Painting Services
Why Bemjamin Moore

Best quality paint

3,500 unmatchable colors

Knowledgeable paint retailers

7,500 lcoations globally
Customer Reviews

Interior Painting
Find the Perfect Color
View before and after photos of interior painting projects we have done. Like what you see? Contact Last Touch to get your project started!

Exterior Painting
Wow Your Neighbors
View before and after photos of exterior painting projects we have done. Like what you see? Contact Last Touch to get your project started!

Paint Booth
Wow Your Neighbors
Ever wanted that piece of furniture painted a new color but you didn’t want to do it? Or paint all your doors, trim or kitchen cabinets and want that professional sprayed look?
Now you can have that all! With our new location we were able to put in a commercial spray booth. Doors, trim, kitchen cabinets, you bring it to us, we paint it for you!
The look you get with our professional sprayers, the right prep, primer, and paint for the job, and the finish you get is almost new! People cannot believe the things they drop off and what they pick up are the same items!
We always offer some simple things to help you save in the long run as well.
Drop Off, Pick Up Option – You drop off doors, cabinets etc. with no hinges or hardware on them, and when we are done you pick up.
Hands-Off Approach – We come to you, get everything, paint it, and put it back in place when we are done!
Want some tips? We help out with that as well!
We have even done doors for a customer and had them shipped to Arizona. How about that for service! We had to do the color match through photos until we got the color the customer was looking for. We make it work for you!
Learn more about our paint booth here.
A better way to test paint
Our free estimate quote will surely get you the right painting materials for your amazing residential or commercial homes.